


皇冠博彩’s 全球研究项目 prepares lifelong learners for every good work by building cultural competence and by fostering personal growth and professional success through travel and study. This multidisciplinary academic program provides cross-cultural, experiential learning opportunities that cultivate empathetic leadership, 有效的沟通, 以及全球思维. 

Students will earn a Global Studies Diploma for meeting all five program requirements. Students who complete all of the minimums except for international travel will earn a Global Studies Certificate. 



  • 说话

    Achieve at least one of the two following standards:
    • Four (4) years of Chinese, 法国, or Spanish with no semester grade falling below a B
    • 三年的中文, 法国, or Spanish with no semester grade falling below a B + the Delaware Certificate of Multiliteracy
  • 研究

    Enroll, and earn no less than a semester grade of B, in at least three (3) of the following classes:
    • Norbertine灵性
    • 世界宗教
    • 荣誉神学研讨会
    • 历史信仰
    • 基督教服务
    • 社会正义
    • 文化视角
    • 文化地理学
    • 公民权利
    • 当代全球问题(CGI)
    • 冲突与文化
    • AP世界史:现代
    • AP欧洲历史
    • AP Capstone, focusing on global issue in either AP Seminar or AP Research AP Environmental Science
  • 行为

    • 接待来访的国际学生
    • Present a TEDxYouth talk on an approved global studies topic 
    • Demonstrate a commitment to an Archmere club that
      培养全球思维(模拟联合国), 动漫俱乐部, 一些, 人类家园, 国际俱乐部, 等.)
    • Log 10-15 hours in Archmere’s 社区服务 program
    • Fund-raise for a global (social, medical, environmental, 等.)
    • Cause through participation in (or leadership of) a sponsored activity (e.g.《皇冠博彩》)
    • 参加St. 诺伯特学院领导团
    • Achieve intermediate proficiency of a new language through an accredited program outside Archmere
    • Compete in a writing or speech contest focusing on subjects related to global studies 
    • Earn the Delaware Certificate of Multiliteracy in any language
    • Represent Archmere’s GSP mission-based ideals through
      course-based artistic expression (sculpture, painting,
    • Engage in independent programs, initiatives, fund-raising,
      等., outside Archmere that focus on global initiatives
    • Participate in the University of Delaware World Language Showcase
    • Propose your own global studies “act” to the Global Studies
    • Engage in organized international travel outside Archmere to meet goals related to culture, 灵性, 体育运动, 服务, 等. 
    • Participate/present at one of the 一些-sponsored Culture Nights
  • 旅行

    Join at least one (1) Archmere-sponsored international travel opportunity:

    • 法国交流访问和接待
    • 西班牙语交流访问并主持
    • 中国交流访问和主办
    Any Archmere-based curricular/cultural/spiritual/服务 travel opportunities available through the 全球研究项目: 
    • Nicaragua, 印度, England, Costa Rica, Belize, Norbertine heritage, 等.
  • 分享

    Complete a shareable capstone project for a GSP Library or participate in an Oral Interview:

    • Be approved and supervised by the Global Studies Coordinator
    • Feature GSP Mission-based personal growth and learning
    • 清晰地表达一个有重点的主题或信息
    • Demonstrate the student’s unique/personal talents or skills
    • Prepare and read a 75-100 word statement that defines their GSP experiences
    • Take questions, posed to them by an assembled panel, about their GSP experiences
    • Through a comprehensive review, share the insights they gained through their GSP experiences


问题? 联系人:


  • 蒂莫西·多尔蒂摄

    蒂莫西 多尔蒂 

    Director of 学者; Global Studies Coordinator; English Teacher
皇冠博彩 is a private, Catholic, college preparatory co-educational academy,
grades 9-12 founded in 1932 by the Norbertine Fathers.